Monday, July 31, 2006

This just in....

I AM GOING TO SEE HOWARD HEWETT IN CONCERT IN 2 1/2 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is the Elvis for me!!!! I noticed that he was going to be in Phoenix but was unable to get info regarding the concert....but something told me to make arrangements for time off work and if we weren't able to go to the concert, at least we would have a great weekend in Phoenix....

Well, the inshyprivateeye that I am, I tracked down the man who is putting the concert together and got the phone number and will call after work to get tickets.....I AM SHAKING RIGHT NOW!!!

The only bad thing is that my brother is unable to go due to his work schedule....

So the countdown is 19 days......

Since some of you asked....

Here is why I have the nickname of Eddie....

My dear cousin Steve said that I looked like Eddie Van Halen in high Eddie is a boy, should I be offended? ha!

Actually I must say that my hair is pretty damn cool here....guess I spent so much time on my hair, I forgot to wear makeup.....ACK!

So there you have it.....reason why I bear the nickname Eddie....funny thing is. he still calls me that....but now my hair resembles an oompa loompa....I don't think I will tell him that, I will stick w/ Eddie.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Denise and her dad...

This is a picture of Denise (Billy's gal) and her dad Robert. We all got together for Father's Day and this was taken at Billy's house. Robert is the type of person who when you meet him, you instantly like him. He has a gentle soul about him and is very quick witted. I asked if I could take pictures of him because I think he has a great face....and he was so kind and was very comfortable. I just wish Scott would have met him (he had to work) I know that they would have talked for hours....

One thing Robert enjoys is....GOOD coffee. Which is good, because that is one thing Billy does well.....makes GOOD coffee...

So there you have it....Denise and her dad Robert.

Have a great weekend!!!

P.S. There was a question about my earlier post and my nickname being Eddie...Tune in on monday to find out will include a visual.....

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I have been tagged...

Four jobs I have had in my life:

1. Explore Information Services

2. Old Town Basket & Rug (more than once)

3. Crystal Springs

4. Sara's at the Promenade

Four nicknames I've been given:

1. Jos

2. Hose (thanks to my cousins)

3. Eddie


Four movies I have watched over and over:

1. The Color Purple

2. Diary of a mad black woman

3. Shawshank Redemption

4. Pretty in Pink

Four places I have lived:

1. My parents

2. Scott's Mom

3. My house

4. All located in Abq!

Four TV shows I love to watch:

1. King Of Queens

2. Grey's Anatomy

3. American Idol

4. 48 hours mystery

Four places I have been on vacation:

1. Las vegas, NV

2. Red River NM

3. Austin Tx

4. Phoenix AZ

Four things I could not live without:

1. My camera

2. Text messaging

3. Music

4. car

Four of my favorite foods:

1. enchildadas ( my mom's)

2. steak fingers (again my mom's)

3. tacos

4. coca cola

Four friends who I have tagged that I think will respond:

1. ?

2. ?

3. ?

4. the person who sent this to me already did it...

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. hanging out w/ TNT

2. being somewhere w/ my camera

3. home

4. whereever but w/ scott

So there you go....

how bout you?

Monday, July 24, 2006

a jewish man, a black man, and a japanese man...

Walk into a casino each slinging a saxaphone.....AND TORE THE ROOF OFF THE SUCKA!!!

Amazing music, amazing artists....

A good time had by all....

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Pics from Red RIver

So, we are back and all was well in Red River.....The weather was gorgeous and here are only a FEW of the hundreds of pictures I took. I was primarly taking pictures of the wedding and let me tell you, after taking so many, even I was sick of my camera...I know, I know, hard to believe, but its true....

I have some more pictures to of them I am going to blow up to a poster size and put in Scott's geer rag....(garage) its one of him feeding a deer....closest he has gotten to one...HA

what else?..... Not much....

Had a fabulous conversation with my pal Michael this morning...its amazing how we can go a few days of not talking and pick up right where we left off....

Anyhoo.....that's it...

Oh! wait, while I was gone, the parentals of TNT taught her to make the sign language signs that the boy on "Meet the Fockers" does. You know the one where he puts his first finger in his fist and pulls it out and that references poop? Well the genius that TNT is, can now do that...and she knows what it means.....SHE IS A GENIUS!!!! I really really missed her while we are gone, and now I have decided that I can never live farther than 30 minutes from her....and for Scott, his mother.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

6:00 am, new cameras, vacation....

Well boys and girls, I have exactly 50 minutes left of my work day.....

Leaving early to get my vacation started....Need to run some errands, going to pick up TNT because we won't see her for...*gasp*...4 whole days!

We are leaving bright and Myrickearly in the morning to Red River for the Cisneros' family reunion, going to photograph his cousin's wedding...thus, the new cameras...

So the beer is purchased and the laundry is waiting to be done....going to bed at 9:00 so that my ass can get up at 'O dark 30.

(Didn't take this picture, but instead googled "red river" and vuwhala...this is what came up)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Me: So, the Doctor suggested I cut out caffeine.

Scott: *raises eyebrows* Are you?

Me: Uh, NO! then I would have find a neighborhood crack vendor....its easier just to buy Coca Cola.

Scott: *let's out deep breath and sighs* Oh good!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

July 11th

July 11th, is the day that I said goodbye to Tim 2 years ago. July 11th is the day that I hoped and wished, would never come, all at the same time. July 11th is the day pain was suddenly gone from his body and at 4:05 pm he entered a new world. July 11th is the day that I wondered what I would do with my free time, because for the previous 4 months, my life was wrapped. Up.In.This.Man. July 11th is the day that I realized just how precious life is and vowed that I would let people know in any way I can that I love them… just as he tried to do. July 11th is the day that I don’t remember so much the struggle of his last breaths, but the funny times we shared. The story of me adjusting his bed so high that he couldn’t see the television, or him abruptly waking up to a nurse bellowing his name and the look on his face wondering if, he in fact died, and went to the wrong heaven. The story of being told that if he died that evening the doctors wouldn’t be surprised, only to call the next day and listen to his sweet voice wanting a sprite. a large sprite. Never knowing just how strong this man would prove to be.

On this day, I also learned how hard I could cry. How hard I can love. And how little I could care about anything else. Tim taught me that in the end forgiveness is love’s divine. that laughter is the best medicine, and if you love someone, tell them now, not when you are near the end. He was lucky. He was given the opportunity to make amends. and he did. with his whole heart.

During the entire time he was sick, there wasn’t anything that I wouldn’t do for him. If he wanted crab legs, he got crab legs. If he wanted a burrito from one place and a drink from another, he got it. All he asked, in return was that he not die alone. And he didn’t. He was never left alone and when it finally happened, the room was filled with people who loved him. For me, being there to hold his hand was the most important thing I have done in my life.

What I didn’t know then was that the months following July 11th would be hell. Wondering what to do with my time, missing someone who, for so long was the only thing I was concerned about. Trying to mend relationships that had been put aside and questioning if it was worth it. In the end, the relationships that were mended have proven to be strong ones and for that I am grateful.

Still, there are things that will never be forgotten. Vivid pictures in my head that hit me without warning like a ton of bricks. Pictures of a man whose face lit up when I walked in the room, sometimes for the 3rd time that day. And pictures still too painful to reveal.

But time heals…

And, in my heart I am certain; he is looking down and watching over me. I sometimes feel his presence when I am alone, and he often comes to me in my dreams. He shows me that he is at peace and surrounded with love. I have great comfort in knowing that one day we will be reunited.

And so, tomorrow in honor of his birthday, I will do, as I did the last 2 years, and celebrate with his favorite meal….spaghetti and lemonade. I will think of happy times, and remember that in the end, if you have loved and are surrounded by those who love you then what else can there be.

I miss you Tim.

Monday, July 10, 2006


My name is Josette Myrick and I am a photograph whore.....

I dream about pictures, appreciate good natural light, cannot walk past a magazine stand and not appreciate a good portrait, and cannot have just 1 camera...

So....I purchased this over the weekend....

(insert dramatic music here)

I am IN LOVE!!! Now, I still LOVE my other camera....but this one does things that other one didn't! More importantly it uses lenses that I already had from my film camera! How freaking cool is that?

Friday, July 07, 2006


As I was going through my pictures yesterday, I came upon this gem...

Yes folks that is Miss T on the left and her cousin Roo on the right.....

Ah....good times, good times....

Oh, yeah, and the common denominator is my brother, Billy....

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ola! Como Estas?

And that folks is the extent of my spanish....unless you count the bad words....oh wait, I do know...Un Tengo lapiz rojo...but not sure if "I have a red pen" will get me far in life...HA!

How was everyone's 4th of July? Mine was fabulous! We went to the FOP and enjoyed the pool and good times....notice how I didn't say good food? Well let me splain why....Now picture it, I get there and I am STARVING and so is my mother. When we are hungry, WATCH OUT! My mother has been known to cut to the front of the line at a Las Vegas buffet. So, we get our burgers, sit down, take a bite...and mine tastes funny. ...I take another bite thinking maybe its just me...nope, still tastes like ass. Just as I am about to say something, my mother says in a not so pleasant voice, "this is a soy burger" It was like the scene from Vacation when the dog peed on the sandwiches....and my Aunt Ruth was Imogene Coca and kept eating it. It was so funny! I decided then that I did not care for soy. Hell, I don't even know what soy is! Anyway, thanks to brother, he brought a pizza and the day was saved.

The best part about the FOP was getting to see my Godson Julian. I hadn't seen him for so long. He is so handsome and it was great seeing him. Also, Scott and my Uncle Hank took 1st place in the horseshoe tournament and won $25 each! Though, I bursted Scott's bubble when I told him I owed my brother $20. HA!

After the FOP we headed over the TNT's house and she looked so cute in her red, white, & blue dress and her pig tails...she looked so cute I wanted to bite her! We hung out there for a while then made our way home....all in all it was a fabulous day!

I would post pictures but I haven't felt like being in my scraproom lately...maybe tonight..

Take care!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Weekend update:

I had a grand and glorious weekend!....

Friday night Scott and I whipped it and cleaned the house....It was nice to have that done first thing and not worry about it the rest of the weekend. We then went to see Miss TNT....I hadn't seen her since Sunday!!!! Can you beleive it?? Ugh! I can never go that long again...

Then on saturday, the dish guy came to fix our dish. He found the problem, I thought, only yesterday while I was playing with TNT I noticed it was still pixelating, but when I looked up it was gone.....Are we ever going to enjoy the investment we made? At this point, I am thinking no. I frankly do not have the energy anymore to deal with this and I guess we will just have to deal with it...

After the dish guy left, me and Anto went to Santa Fe. We had a great time....even though we were lost, trying to get the the Veteran's Memorial to visit Uncle Tim, we took the extended route. It really didn't matter though, it was nice to look around and and see the sights....After we finally got there, I noticed a headstone of a man who was born on Scott's birthday and died on my freaking wierd was that???!!! And yes, I did take a picture....didn't upload it to my computer and since I am already telling the story now, you will just have to take my word for it...HA!

After Sante Fe went to dinner and on my way home I stopped to see......yes, you guessed it, TNT. She has now added 3 words to her vocabulary.....And in random order they are...
agua.....and the best part she knows exactly what they mean....SHE IS A GENIUS!!!!

Sunday, woke up and scanned pictures of Uncle Tim into my computer, I am putting together a special project and thought this would be the perfect time to work on it...

Then in the afternoon, I got a nice little break and Miss TNT came over. She played and played and then she and I took a well deserved quiet, so nice...

After our naps and after the parental units came to pick her up, it was back to the scraproom I went.....I am all done with the pictures I had and will be on the lookout for more...

Then just as I thought my weekend was done....My friend Scrappy V came over!!!! She and her family moved to California and they were in town and her and her mom came over!!!! It was so good to see her!!!!

So that's it, my weekend....

1 more hour and ready to celebrate my favorite holiday ever!

So have a happy 4th of July everyone!!