Thursday, October 18, 2007

Old School ala Madre!!!!

Old School!
Originally uploaded by josette8myrick
This is for my brother. He and I are nostalgic when it comes to things we had growing up.....

Also, Billy, notice the sweet n low packets.....that is all Mom!

Monday, October 08, 2007

How was your weekend?

Changing colors....
Originally uploaded by josette8myrick
Mine was great! Saturday hung out with Anto and later TNT who now feels the need to strip her barbies of their clothes immediately....Not important to the blog, but that's what I did

Scott and I also got up at the butt crack of dawn (4:00 am) and rode to Chama to ride the train to Antonito. Janna & Mariah bought this for us for Christmas and since next week is the last week and we have plans, we figured we best go this weekend.

It was really fun! I have a ton of photos to go through, I am sure there are better ones than this but this is what I saw last night when we got home....

Also last week Grey's? Totally redeemed itself in my books.... totally!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

**tap** **tap** **tap** Is this thing on?

so, um, yeah....I suck.

I really need to keep up with this thing here.....

But I have no idea what to say and pretty certain no one reads this anymore. If you do, thank you!

Also, who gives a flip about the random stuff? LOL

Ok, it's Thursday which means 2 things.

Clean my house &
Grey's Anatomy

Now, my thoughts on last week's?

Mostly negative, but here it goes....bullet style

  • What is up with Christina & Alex's hair? Just because they had a 2 week break why did their style change? Christina looks like Laura Ingalls.
  • I miss Addison and especially Burke. 2 major characters. Even though Isiah Washington said hateful and stupid things, he will definitly be missed from this show. He worked that Burke character like no one's business and I think Christina needs answers.....maybe tonight she will get them as I see Dianah Carrol's character is on... It's just, I WANT BURKE BACK!
  • Lexi Grey. Lexi is an intern. She is there to learn a job. She needs to do her freaking job and worry about Meredith during break time. She was suppose to get Sheppard for an emergency situation and she is staring at Meredith. WORK GIRLY! I am kind of excited to see where her character goes, but if she doesn't take her "internship" seriously and spends the entire season staring at Mer, then I am over her.
  • Speaking of over, Mer/Der need to get get it on or get off! 'nuff said.
  • I did love Bailey and her attitude....She went through hell last season with interns covering up and killing people and now that she is free of them, she can move on. And since she wasn't chosen as Chief, let Callie deal with them....
  • I feel sorry for Callie. I really do. She loves George. When she married him, she thought he loved her. He doesn't, he loves Izzie, who has loved everyone but the Chief. Even though I love Callie, I don't think George is right for her....she needs a stronger man.
  • George and Izzi like Mer/Der need to get on or get off. And seriously, the bambi scene? Did not love it.
  • And as a final note, why are there so many new interns and will they all play a part now? That is alot of people to keep track of....

And there you have it....I still love Grey's and will watch each episode at least 3 times but these are my concerns and I hope everything will work itself out......

I promise I won't go so long between posts....can't guarantee the content being earth shattering, but I will post...
