The thing to photography is not only do you have to have a good camera with good glass, but you have to have photoshop skills.....kinda like how Napoleon Dynamite has numbchuck skills ( I know I spelled that wrong) Anyway, in an effort to further better my skills, I have stayed up well past midnight each night this week to improve them. I think I am doing pretty good, but have alot to learn....What are your thoughts? Did you all know that there is a comment portion to this blog? Or is Denise the only one that knows....
Anyway, what do you think?
thanks for the shout out!!! ha ha ha
You know, that's the second time I've heard that now. I've been just snapping away with the crappy old company camera and posting the pictures I like, and actually getting some good feedback. (Good for the ego, that is.) But there are always some things about the photos I think could be better besides a crop here or there (that I can do with iphoto). So you're saying I need to learn this Photoshop thingy. I think you are a wise woman. I will take this advice and start working on my skillz. Thanks for the nudge.
Thank you Sharon Bloom for leaving me a comment! I was beginning to think noone read this silly thing! Yeah, I must say I spend ALOT of time editing photos....sometimes makes me wonder if it's worth the extra work....
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