Last night I did something that I have never EV AH done before!!!! No I didn't take drugs (I am still afraid of the the maternal mother unit)
What I did was far more serious than that....I, Josette Myrick, left my cell phone at work.
I will allow some time for that to sink in....
You're halfway there to my feelings....You need more time to grasp the situation before I move on...
Ok, that's good enough.
I don't think you can come close to my devastation but you get the idea.
I won't go into the details of leaving it, let's just say the look on Ethan's face when I told him I think I left my phone at work said it all.... I almost considered rescheduling my nail appt so I could go back to the office and get it. But then again, what's worse? Crappy nails or having to drive back after my nail appt?
At the time, it was driving back.....now, I would have taken crappy nails.
At first I was ok, I thought....it won't be that bad.......then around 8 p.m. panic sunk in. Thoughts raced through my head.
What if something happens to someone and no one can get a hold of me?
What if the building explodes and my phone is destroyed?
What the hell time is it? I now realize I don't use clocks in my home, just my phone.
How the hell am I going to wake up without my alarm?
Do we even own alarm? THAT WOULD BE A BIG FAT NO!
Now, what do you suppose a person like me would do in a situation like this?
I know had 12 hours before I would be reunited with my celly.....
Do I curl up in the fetal position and weep? Well, I thought about it but decided the best way to
work off the energy is to clean.
And I cleaned like I have never had before.
In addition to my weekly chores, I cleaned the interior of all my windows.
I cleaned all of my baseboards even moving furniture.
I also wiped the carpet where it meets with the baseboard as it is hard to pick up with the vacuum.
And I also did 3 loads of laundry.
I have been to the depths of addiction hell and I need help.
I now know what it feels like to need a fix.
I never, ever want to go through that again.
Oh, when I got into work today I see that I had..
14 missed calls
19 missed text messages
The most important missed item?...... A picture of Steph's favorite shoes with a broken strap.
Very important indeed.
I am so upset that I didn't get that last night and try to console her....
My name is Josette and I am addicted to my celly....
the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem....(hee hee hee) good luck with the next 11....
You are hilaarrious! nuff said
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