So here is what the In Style Magazine says for Leo's
Happy Birthday Leo!
What we love Warm, creative and chic, you are naturally social and gregarious. Given your organized and efficient ways, you easily take on leader ship roles. On the other hand....Your pride sometimes prevents you from admitting you're wrong. Stellar Style: You love designer clothes and have very sophisticated taste. You prefer to buy only the very best, like an exquisite vintage tulle cocktail dress or a limited-edition handbag, rather than scores of lesser wares. Love Personality: You relish the feeling of being pursued and expect to be courted in style, which is why you usually are!
Now, with that said....I must say that the are freaking dead ON!!!! ha ha ha
I also included some pictures for your pleasure.....
Picture 1: Taken at Grandma Mabel's house right after what seems an outdoor marathon playing session. I am sweating like a whore in church and Billy is browner than George Hamilton
Picture 2: Just so damn cute. No other words.
Picture 3: My Mother's favorite picture......and also so damn cute, it's sickening.
Picture 4: My favorite picture. I just recently got this from my Uncle and I plan on hanging it in my room. So FLIPPING cute!!
Picture 5: This is here just to show y'all that I was thin at one time and that I can tan, look at those legs!!! Since Billy and I were sheltered and never participated in outdoor activities, we had to make up our own entertainment....this included taking Rocky inspired pictures. Trust me, I have tons of him!!!
Picture 6: The classic Olan Mills family portrait. I hope whoever took that picture is no longer a photographer because where is my left arm?
The thing that cracks me up is that when I needed glasses, I wanted some like my dad. Notice pictures 1 and 6.
Literally. like.. my. Dad.
Anyway, Happy Birthday to ME!!
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