Hello! I know its been a long time since my last post....just haven't had anything exciting to say lately...Actually, I do have something exciting to say, but need to clear it first and do it right.
till then.
The first picture of Scott is NOT posing....we had a couple/ten (just kidding) drinks at the Elephant Bar and I whipped out my camera. Whenever I "whip" it out, he looks away....not cute.
The second is of a little girl whose Mother works with Janna. She was a cutie! She helped me get over missing Miss TNT while they were camping.
The next two are of Michael......one girl asked me on my Flickr account if he was single....I replied yes, but that is not the obstacle. HA!
The last is of Mariah. I was showing Scott's cousin my camera and shot this picture. I was pretty happy with the results....
That's it peeps! I promise to post more often...
Carry on.
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