Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I have been tagged....

Here are 7 random habit/things about me...

1. When climbing up stairs and also when shaking out my rugs, I count. Rugs have to be shaken 10 times each. not 9, not 11..... 10 times.

2. I think sometimes I have least when it comes to Stephanie and Billy. When I am thinking of them, suddenly I will get a text from them. Could it also be that they text me the most? perhaps, but it seems that whenever I am thinking of them, I get a text... OMG (George Lopez) It totally happened right now....

3. When I buy a cd it seems that the song I purchased it for or my favorite song is always song Number 8.....

4. If I drink a soda it has to be in ice. Even if the can is cold. If the can is hot, then I have to put it in the fridge to cool before I put it in ice....otherwise is a melted ice mess.

5. I can text without looking at my phone....

6. I send an average of 3000 texts per month.

7. I am still searching for the perfect purse....Anto knows which one. I have a similiar one that was not intended to be a purse, but a bag that a shaving kit came in, sold during the holidays....
(it even says Schick on the inside label)

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