Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Thinking all day....

of what to post.....And of course, since I have no pictures on this computer, I have no idea what to say....

Hhhhmmmmm.... (taps index finger to chin)

Had a pretty good weekend, kinda busy, kinda not. Scott came home from Nashville. Watched Miss TNT overnight.....Saw Baby Raul, Samantha, and Raul's new son Jose. All I have to say is....that man makes pretty babies!!! CUTE CUTE CUTE!! Did I have my camera with me? That would be a big ass NO! I need to start taking it with me everywhere....You just never know.

What else? I still love my scrap room....Each time I go in there, I lose time. Friday night I went in at 8:30, looked at the clock and it was 2:30 in THE FREAKING MORNING!!! Then I still didn't go to bed till 3:15!!! Love Love Love the room. Last night, I just sat on the comfy couch and watched tv....that's it. Didn't even scrap!

Oh, and I guess this must be said.....

Drinking and Driving just doesn't mix well.....NO Mom, not me. But someone very dear to Scott and I had a few too many to drink and myself and others urged him to either stay where he was or allow us to drive him home. He refused! As a result, he was picked up for DUI. The good thing is, he didn't hurt anyone, but the bad thing is....he will be paying for it for a long, long, time. I guess what I am trying to say....if you drink and drive, you lose. That's it, no more sounding like Bill Richardson.....although I think my hair is looking alot like his.....

Tomorrow, I will post pictures!

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