2 things. 1 embarrasing thing I did and 1 thing my brother did.....Let's do Billy's first.
We had a neighbor named Jimmy John who had this nervous tick he would do with his face, and for about 6 months Billy did the same thing......Its hard to describe but just imagine...the Bill and Teds excellent adventure Dude head twitch aat the same blinking your eyes..... When he did it, he was very subtle about but I can clearly remember my Mother saying....."Biiiiiillllllllll!!!!!!!!! quit doing that with your head!!!! Then all sudden......he stopped. However, for 6 months Billy more than qualified to ride the short bus....
Now to me....
Back when I was 10 or 11 they didn't have snazzy things like ipods like they do nowadays. Before the "boom" box was discovered, I had a stylin chrome plated tape recorder similar to the one above.... I am pretty certain I wasn't cool enough to have store bought cassettes....Oh no, I had to get a blank tape, hold the recorder near the tv speaker and pray that no one would come in yelling and thus interuppting my groove. Ok now in addition to my cool recorder, my mode of transportation was a bicycle called "The Strawberry Hustler" it was pink and white and had a strawberry covered banana seat for my ass to rest on. I rocked this cycle like nobody's business!!! You are probably wondering where I am going with this.....but here it goes...
Getting back to the point...... It was around this time that my Aunt Loretta and I watched the movie "Idolmaker"....It starred Ray Sharkey as a talent agent who tries to helps Peter Gallagher's character become a singing artist/phenomenon sorta like Clay Aiken, only hotter.... The movie (which I own....) had some very uplifting motivational music and since it was a story of a nobody suddenly becoming famous, I thought it would be fun to do a dance routine with the neighborhood kids showcasing our moves all the while riding our bikes. I was young, dumb, and didn't have any hobbies...what can I tell ya! So I got the neighborhood kids who were...
& Me.......
Since I was the oldest and far cooler than any of these kids, I choreographed moves that could be used in a Disney on Ice production!!!!! It was fantastic!!!! Picture it....7 kids driving down the road, flapping their arms and legs in unison while the leader holds a taperecorder blasting songs from Idolmaker and barks commands. After about 30 minutes of this Billy, Frank, and Steven had enough and bailed.... I wonder what would have happened if a talent agent happened to drive by as we were doing this....I could have been a major producer/director....or maybe I too, would have been a passenger on the short bus....
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