So....for those of you who know me well, know that I grew up without a Grandfather....well, I shouldn't say "totally" without a Grandfather. My dad's cousin Gilbert adopted me and my brother at a very young age to be our Grandfather, and he is an amazing man....but he has his own family and his own grandchildren and even though he loves us with his whole heart, I still longed for an "everyday" Grandpa. My paternal grandfather passed away when I was 9 months old and from what I have been told, he loved me very very much, but certain situations cause people to do drastic things and he did what he had to do. He never got to meet my brother but, I know that he would have been an awesome Grandpa to us. Now, my maternal Grandpa was many things, but he wasn't a Grandpa or a father or many times a nice person. Besides he's dead.
Enter Jasper Cisneros. This is Scott's maternal grandfather and he is the Grandpa that I have been blessed with knowing everyday. Scott's other Grandfather Heavy too is an amazing man. He is strong, valiant, loyal, and he is the patriarch of the Myrick Family and is loved beyond measure.
But Jasper.
Jasper loves his family. Every.single.person.
Jasper has stories that no matter how many times he tells them, it makes me laugh so hard I cry.
Jasper has been known to take his kids to the dump and tell them to pick out something nice for Irene.
Jasper would stick misc things in your purse if its near him. I have looked in my purse and pulled out a potato, an apple, his napkin etc....
Dar says that when she was young, they would have company over and she would look up at the ceiling fan and see boloney rings hanging and whipping around.
And so, you ask why am I talking about Jasper.
Every winter Scott suffers from dry skin and last night at his Mom's house she put this cream on him. When we were leaving she gave it to him and he threw it in my purse. When we got home, I took it out and saw the note Jasper left for Maryann. Tears immediately came down from my eyes. Scott thought I was crazy. Maybe its because he is a man. Maybe its because he has had this Grandpa everyday and perhaps takes it for granted. Not sure, but I love it. This feeling I had when I read the sweet note written to Maryann.
I have said it before. There is no stronger line of blood than the one from Jasper to Maryann to Scott.....and I am lucky for being a part of it.