Thursday, June 29, 2006
GOOD LAWD! That's alot of money!!!!
Now, let me give you a bit of background.....
I *heart* salons! The noise. The smell. The product. The artistry. THE WHOLE DAMN THING!
My favorite job EVA was working in a salon....didn't get paid for shit, but I did have fabulous hair, nails and skin....Good times.... good times...
wait....where was i? *taps finger on chin looking for the light bulb*
Oh yes! that's right... I got my hair cut last night....I needed something different and as I stated earlier, I am never loyal to hair dressers so I decided it was time to change....
I went back to a guy that cut my hair a few years ago....
I know, you are thinking...get to the part with the dirt...and tell us how much..
ok, ok, I paid $50 freaking dollars for my hair!!!! I almost DIED!!!! 50 dollars is alot of money.... I almost offered to detail his wife's car....or babysit his pet.....
but when I left the fabulous salon I didn't look in the mirror and try to "fix" my hair as I often have done in the past....I really liked it, and further more I loved it this morning when I did it myself...
So I think I will stick to this guy and will just have to tighten the belt straps a little....Scott will have to cut down to 1 baloney sandwich for lunch.....
Also in other news...
Did anyone catch America's got Talent last night?
The last act was this little red haired girl with a lopsided pony tail that by looking at her, you would've thought some amish man is looking for his daughter....
She then says she is going to see Jennifer Holliday's And I am telling you...from dreamgirls...
Brandy who is a judge replied "that's a mighty big song" already thinking she couldn't pull it off and felt bad if she had to be gonged off....
Well let's just say....amish girl BLEW THE ROOF OF THE SUCKA!!!!
Brandy's eyebrows were raised as she stood up as thought...."Take your time, girl, take your time" SHE BELTED THAT SONG!!!! Somewhere Jennifer Holliday is saying....DAAAAMMMMNNN!!!!!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
short and sweet...
I am having trouble with my camera and not sure if its the camera or the user....I wish I knew someone who has the same camera as I do and knows alot about it so that I can pick their brain...
So till I figure it out...
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
When you forget to apply sunscreen....
Monday, June 26, 2006
My Brother Billy

This is a picture of my little brother Billy. Not Bill. Not Willy. Not William. Sometimes BIIIIILLLLLL!!!! (my mother's bellowing) but always Billy. He was named after our grandfather and our uncle and his full name is William Kurtz Algire II. Billy.
If you scroll down you can see how much he resembles our Dad. He and I both look like our father. We have the forehead that can also be used as a billboard, the lips, and I have the color of eyes. :) What we got from our mother is our long fingers and I am glad to say her nail beds. I think I look my Mom but there is no denying this boy looks like his father. He shaved his mustache and it is like looking at a mini me version of John.
So there you go. Oh... sorry ladies, he is taken. Not sure why I wrote that because the only people who read my blog are my family and they know he is taken....(hey denise!)
P.S. Be sure to tune in tomorrow....when sunscreen is not applied.
Thursday, June 22, 2006

For those of you who read my blog and do not sit next to me to hear my daily rants with Dish Network, pull up a chair, and hold on for life!
Scott and I bought a fabulous tv with High Definition...LOVE THE TV!...Now because the TV is High Def (hd) we had to have DISH Network....Sooo...we paid Dish 350.00 for the HD receiver that has DVR (recording) and another receiver that I have in my scrap room. After a while we noticed that the HD tv would pixilate and cause the screen to freeze up. So, I call Dish and they send someone out to look at it, he touched a few things and said it would be fine....WAS IT???!!! NO! It kept happening and each time I would call and someone would come out to "fix" it. Finally was told that its a "software" issue with the dish and that they did not know when it would be fixed, but would put another dish on top of my house and hoped that would take care of it. Did it work, you ask? NO!!! They then switched the receiver itself out thinking that would solve it. Did that work? Again, NO! So now I have 2 dishes on top of my house, a brand new receiver and all new hardware and the thing still freaking pixilates. Since then I have paid the 1st bill of $130.00 making it a grand total of just under $500. We still have a pixilation. Fast forward to last friday. The tech came looked at our system and as honest and said that there is nothing he can do. We have ALL new equipment and the only thing that can fix it would be the software. So I simply ask him WHEN IS THE SOFTWARE GOING TO BE DOWNLOADED???!!! He replied he did not know, but offered a suggestion to switch the the existing receivers for 2 other receivers that have no problems and until that is done we were to not pay DISH for services.....SOUNDS SIMPLE RIGHT? Well guess what???!!! Its not that simple! I just got a call from James the mangaer and he said they couldn't switch out the receivers unless they charged me. WTF!!!???? You want to charge me for your product that doesn't work???!!! What brand of crack are you on? I told him that was unacceptable and he said there is nothing he could do. I asked him when the software would be downloaded, he said he didn't know. I then said, that is fine, continue to pay my dish until the software is downloaded and be prepared to come to my house every evening to ck my system until the situation is taken care of..OR! exchange my receivers so that I have a working product.....I asked him the price of the switch just for shits and giggles and he told me it would be around $100. So, here is the fun part....They would rather come to my house EVERY DAY and pay my bill EVERY MONTH until this is fixed INSTEAD of switching out my equipment and waiving the $100 fee.
Again, wondering what brand of crack they are on, so that if I ever do drugs I can make sure to get me some of that.
So what is the status now you ask? After laughing at the obsurdity of the situation, he is going to make a few more phone calls and get back with me before 4. Note to James.....I am smack dab in the the middle of PMS, so have caution!
**EDITED** James the Manger just called and said that they will be at my house tomorrow morning to switch out our receivers at no charge. He said that he empathized with me and that all is taken care of. I have been known to be a persuasive person at times, and will bitch enough until I get what I feel is right...something I got from my Mom. So to all of you who are thinking of getting dish network, DO NOT GET THE 625 receiver!!!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
For the 5 people who read my blog....
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Better late than never....

Just giving a "shout out" to my Dad!....Growing up no one could ask for a better father....he was patient, kind, and a hard worker. In fact, it would break mine and Billy's heart more if he was dissapointed in us...we would rather he yell or punish us! I had a great time with him on Father's day and want him to know just how much I appreciate all he has done for me, and of course, for Scott. Even though Scott has his own father, it does my heart good to know that Scott loves him and respects him so much.
So here's to you Daddy!
Love you!
Friday, June 16, 2006
2416 text messages last month.
8 month and day that I was born, and also my favorite number.
2 God-children
179 out of 292 pictures of TNT on my computer
932 pictures takend with my new camera, mostly of know who.
2 Number of digital cameras I have had. Thanks to Don, who broke #1.
5 loads of laundry waiting for me when I get home
1 true love.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Anyway, lots of fabulous things are going on in that room.....will share with you soon! Oh, and if you read my blog, show me some love by commenting. Feels like I am just writing random thoughts for nothing!...
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Things I Love....
1. MY brainer here. I take my camera EVERYWHERE! I bring it to work, I take it with me on weekends, EVERYWHERE. You never know when you spot a celebrity or something...Never taken any pictures of celebrities, but you never know.
2. Cinnamon Fire Jolly Ranchers- I have a bowl on my desk at work and a bowl in my scraproom. These help me get the mojo flowing....
3. My Cell Phone. I have been told by some (Anto) that I always have my phone up my I am not into that stuff, but I do have my phone with me at all times. If someone calls and I don't answer, often times the message will be..."What? you aren't answering your phone? Are you okay?" etc....
4. My morning coffee. My dear brother and I share many likes and one of them is GOOD coffee (emphasis on GOOD) I grind my coffee every morning so that it is fresh and bring my own coffee to work, life is too short for bad coffee....
5. My Music. Love love me my music.....To some it may be elevator music, but to me is bliss...
6. My wedding ring....lets face it...Scott did good on this one, even when I upgraded my solitaire 6 months after getting engaged he was ok with it. The ring itself is perfect, and the only jewelry I wear everyday.
7. Magazines. My name is Josette and I am a magazine whore. I think it all started when I was a young girl and my mother subscribed Highlights for me, its been downhill from there. I love all types of magazines, the pictures, the type, everything!
8. Febreeze. I go through a bottle of Febreeze in about 3 weeks. I spray it everywhere!
9. My computer....LOVE IT!
10. And the last but not least...My Vodka. Now before you going through the phone book in search of an AA meeting....When I have a drink with friends, my choice is vodka, and just like my coffee, it has to be premium, no crystal diamond here....It't all about the Goose baby...
There you go....
my favorite things...
Monday, June 12, 2006
Shout out to ETHAN!

Ethan has been doing my nails for YEARS and they are the best!...Now I am not one to be loyal to hairstylists, but I will go to the end of the earth for nails from Ethan....I am sure many many many of his clients would agree!
So, hope you had a fabulous time and when I stop in to get my hairspray, I want to see pictures!
Ethan, like me, loves to take pictures....just wish he would invest in camera equipment instead of guns and ammo....but that's a whole other issue. :)
Love ya!
Friday, June 09, 2006
Miss Rama....

As I took this picture of KT rama a couple of nights ago, I thought to myself...where had the time gone and when did she start looking like a super model....LOOK AT THOSE TEETH...or "grill" as TNT would say...
It amazes me how time flies, it seems just like yesterday KT was a lightly haired child with a binky in her mouth playing with her dollies....Now she is this beautiful girl you see here today.
So, in honor of KT Rama, let's list some things that make her who she is.....
Kt Rama angel.
Kt Rama is....a daughter, a sister, and a friend.
Kt Rama loves tomatoes like no one I know....well, maybe Scrappy V... :)
Kt Rama is... witty beyond her years
Kt Rama is....kind
Kt Rama beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.
Kt Rama is so many things and I am grateful for having her in my life...
love you!
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Happy Birthday Luisa!!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Happy Birthday Aunt Ruth!!

Ok, so last night I went home and hoped that I would be able to load pictures using slow poke dial up.....but alas, I am unable. I have my name on the Qwest waitlist but am thinking of breaking down and getting Comcast...
Anyhoo, just wanted to wish my Aunt Ruth a happy birthday. Her birthday was yesterday and when I called her to wish her a nice day and ask her what her plans were, not surprised when she replied she was going to play bingo....ALL DAY AND NIGHT!! I hope she won....
This is a picture of her and Uncle Hank taken a few weeks ago.....
Happy Birthday